Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Raining!!

 Yes, it's raining here. And I love it. The smell of fresh soil, the constant pattering of rain drops, the chill in the air, the warmth of the shawl drawn tightly around  myself, the hesitance to get up in the morning, not to mention the great relief from the summer heat... Sometimes it rains so heavily that my ears ache from the noise of rain falling on the sheets in our terrace. Sometimes it rains very softly and gently, and it is at times like these that it rains in my heart too- a rain of memories, dreams, hopes, fears and a few tears.
 It was on a rainy day that my best childhood friend left this world after a losing battle with a fatal disease. So, naturally, rains bring back memories of times spent with her, those lovely years... There are other memories too- those of watching rain falling on the roofs of nearby houses from my dad's house, and particularly, of bathing in the rain once from the terrace of my grandma's house, along with my sisters, mom, aunts and cousins. Then there are the countless dreams that are better not mentioned.
 All in all, I am glad when it rains. Though there are a few sorrows that accompany rains, there is something in rain that makes it a sweet, bearable pain.

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